Celsius Minus Thirteen.
Soon time for sustenance if I follow the rules of our foremothers.
But the day is once again a bit off (what’s new?), so perhaps just a snack later.
Soon time for sustenance if I follow the rules of our foremothers.
But the day is once again a bit off (what’s new?), so perhaps just a snack later.
Hello Visitor, I just want to say, if no one has told you today, I am proud of you. We often don’t get to hear those words. And I won’t therapize the moment, and look for the reason why, but …
Roy G. Biv. He’s well known. Makes good on his promises. And oftentimes breathtaking. That is: R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. Better known as Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and… Violet! The colors of the rainbow. Tell me, did I have you for …